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2008 Annual Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics

23-26 October 2008
Marriott City Center Hotel
1001 Broadway
Oakland, California 94607 USA

Information for Speakers and Session Chairs


All meeting rooms will be equipped with LCD projectors and speakers are strongly encouraged to use electronic projection. You may use your laptop for driving the projector. However, in order to save setup time, it is strongly preferred that speakers combine talks onto one computer for the presentation. It is recommended that you also bring the electronic file for your presentation on a memory stick in case your computer is incompatible with the projector in the room. The recommended formats are PowerPoint or PDF. All speakers using electronic projection should plan to arrive at the meeting room at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the session to check that the technology will work with minimum delay between speakers. Overhead projectors will not be available except by special request by those who must use transparencies. Please contact the local organizing committee, in advance, with any questions or special requests.

Additional advice for speakers is available on the APS website.

Session Chairs

Guidelines for session chairs are available on the APS website. Please read these guidelines before chairing a session at the meeting.