(since 1998)

Nuclear Science Division,  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Members Results Group page
before 2009

The physics interest of the LBL Soft Physics Group is to study the formation and characteristics of the medium system created in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC energies, with focus on the single particle momentum spectra, azimuthal anisotropic distributions, two particle correlations, heavy flavor and electromagetic probe production by utilizing the STAR detector. We are studying/searching for the MATTER EoS with partonic degrees of freedom: partonic collectivity, thermalization, and the temperature of the system created at RHIC. We are also carrying out the program of exploring the QCD phase map to search for the first order phase transition boundary and the possible QCD critical point.
Quick Links:

STAR, STAR drupal
arXiv, SPIRES, LBL e-journal

Weekly Monday Meetings

Time:                 Monday 11:00am Pacific Time
Phone Bridge:    +1-510-486-7333 (Obsoleted on and after Feb 23, 2015)

Starting from Feb 23,  we use the following BlueJeans Connection:
To join the Meeting:

To join via Browser:

To join via Phone:
1) Dial:
+1 408 740 7256
+1 888 240 2560(US Toll Free)
+1 408 317 9253(Alternate Number)
(see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
2) Enter Conference ID: 941076503

Place:                Nuclear Theory Lounge (70-228)

  • Nov. 23, 2015
    • News (5')
    • Sanshiro (45') - Proton/anti-proton spectrum analysis from Run14 AuAu data with HFT
  • Sept. 14, 2015
    • News(5')
    • Alex/All (50') - Discussion on the W AN paper
  • July 13, 2015
    • News (5')
    • Michael/Guannan/Mustafa (45') - Update on the D0 analysis with HFT, Michael, Guannan
  • June 22, 2015
    • News and QM15 abstracts (10')
    • Michael/Mustafa (30') - Understanding the background in the D0 invariant mass, Mustafa, Michael
  • June 15, 2015
    • News (5')
    • All (25') - QM15 abstracts
      • Hao/Michael/others - D-meson v2
      • Mustafa - D-meson Rcp/RAA
      • Long/others - Heavy flavor correlations
      • Alex - h-jet
      • Jochen - net-Q, net-proton high moments
      • Ji/Amal - net-K moments
      • Giacomo - HFT and HFT+
      • posters
        • Xin/Jochen/Miro - Lambda_c
        • Guannan - D0 spectra
        • Michael - D+/-, D*+/-
    • Mustafa (25') - HFT efficiency and D0 Rcp
  • May 18, 2015
    • News, Run status (10') - Xiaofeng etc.
    • All (50') - Run14 HFT analysis status for QM
      • Mustafa (20') - overview
      • Guannan (10') - D0
      • Michael (10') - D+/-
      • Xiaozhi (10') - NPE
  • May 11, 2015
    • News, Run status (10') - Xiaofeng etc.
    • Xin/Alex/Nu (20') - BUR 16/17current BUR draft
    • Jochen (30') - Net-charge high moments analysis from BES
  • Jan. 12, 2015
    • News (5')
    • QM15 abstracts (10') - deadline June 27
      • HP15 - June 29-July 3, abstract deadline - April 5, 2015
      • SQM15 - July 6-11, abstract deadline - April 1, 2015
    • Run14 production status (10')
    • Alex (25') - Update on the h-jet analysis

>> More meetings:  2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009,  2008 and before

Edited by Xin Dong, XDong@lbl.gov, 510-486-4121