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page before 2009 |
The physics interest of the
LBL Soft Physics Group is to study the formation and
characteristics of the medium system created in
relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC
energies, with focus on the single particle momentum
spectra, azimuthal anisotropic distributions, two
particle correlations, heavy flavor and
electromagetic probe production by utilizing the
STAR detector. We are studying/searching for the
MATTER EoS with partonic degrees of freedom:
partonic collectivity, thermalization, and the
temperature of the system created at RHIC. We are
also carrying out the program of exploring the QCD
phase map to search for the first order phase
transition boundary and the possible QCD critical
point. |
Links: STAR, STAR drupal LBL, RNC arXiv, SPIRES, LBL e-journal ROOT, PDG picoDst |
Dong, Xin 510-486-4121 Rm 70-307 XDong@lbl.gov |
Duckworh, Emmy 510-486-4138 Rm 70-304 EJDuckworth@lbl.gov |
Ji, Yuanjing 510-486-4138 Rm 70-313 YuanjingJi@lbl.gov |
Ko, Ho San 510-486-4138 Rm 70-304 H-S.Ko@lbl.gov |
Yu, Hu 510-486-4138 Rm 70-313 YuHu@lbl.gov |
Yue 510-486-4138 Rm 70-313 YLiang9@kent.edu |
Odyniec, Grazyna 510-486-7128 Rm 70-319 G_Odyniec@lbl.gov |
Pandav, Ashish 510-486-4138 Rm 70-304 AshishPandav@lbl.gov |
Sooraj 510-486-4138 Rm 70-309 SKradhakrishnan@lbl.gov |
Ritter, Hans Georg retired HGRitter@lbl.gov |
Sweger, Zachary 510-486-xxxx Rm 70-232 zwsweger@ucdavis.edu |
Symons, Timothy James 510-486-5670 Rm 70-314 TJSymons@lbl.gov |
Thomas, Jim retired JHThomas@berkeley.edu |
Xu, Nu 510-495-2951 Rm 70-314 NXu@lbl.gov |
Alumni |
Name | Email |
Period in RNC | |||
Yue Hang Leung |
leung@physi.uni-heidelberg.de |
2019/03 - 2022/04 |
Postdoc at Univ. of Heidelberg |
Guannan Xie |
xieguannanpp@gmail.com | 2014/05 - 2017/04 2019/06 - 2022/03 |
Assist. Professor at Univ. of Chin. Acad. of Sci. | ||
Samuel Heppelmann |
sheppelmann@gmail.com |
2019/11 - 2022/01 |
Researcher at |
Yu Zhang |
zhang_yu@mails.ccnu.edu.cn |
2019/11 - 2021/11 |
Grad. Student at CCNU |
Shaowei Lan |
shaoweilan@mails.ccnu.edu.cn |
2019/11 - 2021/11 |
Grad. Student at CCNU |
Xinyue Ju |
xyju@mail.ustc.edu.cn |
2018/11 - 2021/05 |
Grad. Student at USTC |
Matthew Kelsey |
mkelsey@wayne.edu |
2018/07 - 2020/11 |
Researcher at GM |
Zhenzhen Yang |
zzyang@mail.ccnu.edu.cn |
2017/09 - 2019/09 |
Grad. Student at CCNU |
Yifan Hong |
yifanhong@berkeley.edu |
2016/09 - 2019/08 |
Grad. Student at CU Boulder |
Kathryn Meehan |
katya.nuclear@gmail.com |
2016/11 - 2018/12 |
Postdoc at Applied Nuclear Physics,
Michael Lomonitz |
mllomnitz@gmail.com |
2013/11 - 2018/06 |
Data Scientist at In-Q-Tel |
Yi Guo |
2016/11 - 2018/03 |
Xiaolong Chen |
xlchen89@mail.ustc.edu.cn |
2016/02 - 2018/02 |
Postdoc at USTC, Hefei |
Giacomo Contin |
giacomo.contin@cern.ch | 2013/11 - 2017/10 |
Faculty at Univ. of Trieste |
Alexander Schmah |
schmah@physi.uni-heidelberg.de | 2010/03 - 2017/05 |
Scientist at Univ. of Heidelberg |
Kunsu Oh |
kunsuoh@gmail.com | 2015/11 - 2017/02 |
Data Scientist at Golfzon |
Xu Sun |
sunxuhit@gmail.com |
2016/04 - 2017/02 2013/09 - 2015/09 |
Staff at IMP, Lanzhou |
Ji Xu |
2014/12 - 2016/11 |
Mustafa Mustafa |
mmustafa@lbl.gov |
2013/08 - 2016/11 |
Staff at NERSC, LBNL |
Jochen Thaeder |
jochen@thaeder.de |
2014/09 - 2016/09 |
Engineer at DXC Tech. |
Sanshiro Mizuno |
smizuno@rcf.rhic.bnl.gov |
2015/08 - 2016/08 |
Hao Qiu |
hqiu0114@gmail.com |
2012/02 - 2016/03 |
Staff at IMP, Lanzhou |
Long Ma |
malong@sinap.ac.cn |
2014/01 - 2016/03 |
Postdoc at Fudan Univ. |
Xiaofeng Luo |
luoxf@phy.ccnu.edu.cn |
2009/05 - 2011/04 2015/03 - 2015/08 |
Professor at CCNU, Wuhan |
Anju Bhasin |
anju.bhasin@cern.ch |
2014/09 - 2015/07 |
Professor at Univ. of Jammu |
Shusu Shi |
shishusu@gmail.com |
2013/02 - 2015/02 |
Professor at CCNU, Wuhan |
Patrick Huck |
PHuck@lbl.gov |
2011/09 - 2014/08 |
Staff at Energy Storage Division,
Hiroshi Masui |
2008 - 2014 |
Xiangming Sun |
sphy2007@126.com |
2006 - 2013 |
Professor at CCNU, Wuhan |
Maxim Naglis |
2010 - 2013 |
Jie Zhao |
jiezhao1119@hotmail.com |
2009 - 2012 |
Postdoc. at Purdue Univ. |
Yifei Zhang | ephy@ustc.edu.cn | 2005 - 2007, 2008 - 2011 | Professor at USTC, Hefei | ||
Zubayer Ahammed |
Zubayer.Ahammed@cern.ch |
2010 - 2011 |
Scientist at VECC, Kolkata |
Daniel Kikola |
kikola@if.pw.edu.pl |
2007 - 2010 |
Faculty at WTU, Warsaw |
Yan Lv |
Faculty at Wuhan |
Andrew Rose |
2005-2010 |
Senior Software Engineer at Riviera |
Sarah Blyth |
Markus Oldenburg |
Fabrice Retiere |
Javier Castillo |
2002-2004 |
Senior Researcher at IRFU |
Kai Schweda |
2000-2006 |
Faculty at Univ. of Heidelberg |
Paul Sorensen |
2003-2005 |
Program manager at DOE |
Jinghua Fu |
2001-2002 |
Professor at CCNU, Wuhan |