Pixel Ultimate Sensor and RDO Page


ultimate_pad_ring_documentation.zip - Pad ring documentation for the Ultimate sensor from Isabelle. (01/09/2011)

ultimate_individual_test_board.zip - Schematic for the individual testing board for the Ultimate sensor with both Orcad and pdf format. (02/07/2011)

M26_UserManual.pdf - The Mimosa-26 user manual. Most functions should be the same as the Ultimate sensor. (06/22/2009)

V6_RDO_MB_design.pptx - A ppt document giving a preliminary design concept for the new V-6 based PXL RDO motherboard. (01/25/2011)

LBL_ULT_INDIVIDUAL_TEST_BOARD.zip - Layout for the individual testing board for the Ultimate sensor with both Gerbers and Orcad format in a .zip file. (02/07/2011)

ultimate_individual_bonding_diagram.pdf - Bonding diagram for the Utlimate sensor individual testing board. (02/08/2011)

Ultimate_UserManual.pdf - The Ultimate sensor user manual. (03/08/2011)

V6_RDO_MB_design_plans_hw_meeting.pptx - A ppt document giving the design concept for the new V-6 based PXL RDO motherboard in a 9U physical VME form factor. (05/03/2011)

PXL_V6_RDO_schematics_v2.zip - Schematics for the V-6 based RDO system including the Motherboard, daughtercard, 6U TCD board and Xilinx FlashXL adapter in pdf and Orcad format. (05/26/2011)

PXL_V6_RDO_schematics_final.zip - Schematics for the V-6 based RDO system including the Motherboard, daughtercard, 6U TCD board and Xilinx FlashXL adapter in pdf and Orcad format in the fabricated PCBs. (10/03/2011)

Ultimate_cable_prototype_single_power.zip - The preliminary design for the Ultimate sensor ladder readout cable. This contains the gerbers, schematic, and description documentation. (10/07/2011)

proto_cable_bonding_diagram.pdf - The preliminary bonding diagram for the Ultimate sensor ladder readout cable. (12/09/2011)

PXL_V6_RDO_V1.1.zip - Schematics and PADS layout for the Version V1.1 V-6 based RDO Motherboard. (02/03/2012)

PXL_TCD_V1.1.zip - Schematics and layout .MAX file for the updated V1.1 6U TCD board . (02/03/2012)

PXL_RDO_daughtercard_V1.1.zip - Schematics for the updated V1.1 6U daughtercard board . (02/13/2012)

RDO_daughercard_V1.1_final.zip - Final schematics and layout files for the updated V2.0 6U daughtercard board . (02/24/2012)

Ultimate_individual_test_PCB.pdf - Schematics for the Ultimate sensor individual test board. (03/02/2012)

PIXEL_RDO_MASS_TERM_V2.1.DSN - (PRELIMINARY) Schematics for the mass termination board optimized for the PXL detector equipped with Ultimate sensors. (03/02/2012)

PXL_V1_1_interface_boards_schematics_and_layout.zip - Schematics and layout files for the interface boards to the RDO V1.1 system. (03/11/2012)

VHDCI_and_cable_testing_results.docx - Results for VHDCI connector and commercial cables in the PXL RDO system. (04/15/2011)

ULT_kapton_cable_v1.1_layout_and_stackup.zip - Schematics, layout files and stackup/description for the kapton flex hybrid PCBs for the prototype detector. (05/01/2012)

The Ult_sensor_CERN_test_beam_report_1.docx (pdf) is a draft document that describes the results of the beam testing of Ultimate sensors at CERN during the week of October 14-22, 2011 .(2012-05-29)

IPHC_ladder_testing_report_1.docx - Report on the testing of ladders of sensors based on the prototype cable design. (05/30/2012)

Ult_rad_tol_2012.pptx - Report on the testing of Ultimate 1 sensors for radiation tolerance. (05/31/2012)

hybrid_cable_two_power_bus.zip - Orcad and Gerber files for the two power bus hybrid Ultimate cable with description and stackup presentation. (06/01/2012)

PXL_data_rates_2012_06_08.docx - A calculation of the data rates expected from the PXL detector. (06/08/2012)

ultimate-2_on_ult-1_board_individual_bonding_diagram.pdf - The preliminary bonding diagram for the Ultimate-2 sensor mounted to a Ultimate-1 individual test board. (10/22/2012)

ultimate-2_on_ult-2_board_individual_bonding_diagram.pdf - The preliminary bonding diagram for the Ultimate-2 sensor mounted to a Ultimate-2 individual test board. (10/22/2012)

FTDI_to_fitwise_adapter_board.zip - A zip file containing the board outlines and schematic for a FTDI to bitwise USB adapter board. (10/23/2012)

PXL_RDO_MOTHERBOARD_TESTING_2ND_LADDER_INPUTS.DSN - An orcad schematic for testing the additional ladder input chanels of the PXL RDO board. (10/24/2012)

yield_for_5_wafers_of_Ult2_2012_11_28.docx - A measurement of the mechanical yield for 5 Ultimate-2 wafers thinned and diced. (11/28/2012)

Hughes_al_cond_cable_progress_2012_12_14.docx - A report on the progress of aluminum conductor PCB fabrication from Hughes circuits for use in the PXL detector. (12/14/2012)

U1_sensor_length_and_tracibility_issues_2012_12_13.docx - A document describing an issue with the diced length of some of the Ultimate-1 sensors. (12/13/2012)

yield_for_2_wafers_short_loop_DRIE_2012_12_06.docx - A document giving the reults of thinning two "short loop" wafers processed with DRIE. (12/06/2012)

Validation of Ultimate2 sensors.docx - A document giving draft testing results for Ultimate-2 sensors validating the procurement of the first batch of wafers. (12/20/2012)

yield_for_2_wafers_U2_with_pinholes_DRIE_2013_01_30.docx - A document giving the results of thinning two Ultimate-2 wafers processed with DRIE. (01/30/2013)

U2_Probe_Test_results_Feb2013.pptx - A ppt presentation giving the probe testing results from the two Ultimate-2 wafers processed with DRIE. (03/06/2013)

PIXEL_RDO_MB_V1_2.zip - A zip file containing the proposed updates for the PXL RDO board V1.2. (03/13/2013)

Ultimate2_UserManual_version3.pdf - The Ultimate sensor user manual version 3. (03/18/2013)

yield_for_11_of_25_prod_wafers_of_Ult2_DRIE_2013_06_13.docx - A measurement of the mechanical yield for 11 of the first 25 Ultimate-2 DRIE production wafers after thinning (06/14/2013)

Engineering Run Documentation

ULT_cable_bonding_diagram_two_power_version_2013_02_19.pdf - Bonding diagram for the engineering run sensors to cable bonding. (02/19/2013)

ULT_CABLE_PROTOTYPE_DET_KAPTON_LOW_MASS_SECTION_TWO_POWER_ENG_RUN_PROD_.MAX - Orcad file for the two power bus hybrid cable to be used in the engineering run. (08/19/2012)

PIXEL_V6_RDO_MB_V4-PADS-08_UPDATED_JS_2012_07_10_LG.DSN - Orcad schematic for the RDO system to be used in the engineering run. (09/05/2012)

HFT Pixel DAQ Data Format.docx - Draft data format for the engineering run. (10/02/2012)

PXL_ladder_assembly_QA_plan.docx - Draft ladder QA/QC plan containing ladder assembly traveler for the engineering run. (10/05/2012)

STAR PXL Detector-UCPD.zip - is a zip file containing the schemtic, PCB and production files for the production PCBs of Low mass cable, inner driver board, outer driver board and cable interface board for the engineering run. (10/08/2012)

Ultimate2_UserManual_1.2.pdf - Ultimate-2 user manual. (10/08/2012)

ladder_assy_and_QA_follower.zip - A zip archive with the draft ladder assembly documentation and the QA/QC ladder assembly document containing the ladder traveler. (10/10/2012)

PXL_eng_run_fine_wire_map.docx - A document giving the map of the fine wire cable from the ladders to the MTB. (10/24/2012)

pixel_rdo_mass_term_v2_0-1005.pdf - Schematics for the mass termination board MTBv2.0 (11/16/2012)

PXL_engineering_run_testing.docx - List of tests to be performed and equipment needed for the enginering run (12/03/2012)

PXL_ladder_sensor_carrier_loading_instructions.docx - LSet of instructions for loading the ladder sensor carriers for use in building PXL ladders (12/10/2012)

pixel_rdo_mass_term_v2_0-1005.pdf - Schematics for the mass termination board MTBv2.0 (11/16/2012)

PXL_rack_usage_2013_01_02.pptx - Draft rack layout for the PXL detector. (01/02/2013)

PXL_Power_design.zip - zip file containing the schematic and implementation document for the PXL power system. (01/09/2013)

Engineering Production-FTDI-bitwise Adapter bd.zip - zip file containing the as built production schematic and layout for the PXL FTDI to bitwise adapter board. (01/29/2013)

pixel_rdo_mass_term_v2_1-0118.pdf - Schematics for the mass termination board MTBv2.1 (02/28/2013)

MTBv2.1.zip - A zip archive with the schematics and layout for the mass termination board MTBv2.1 (02/28/2013)

PIXEL_RDO_MASS_TERM_V2_1-0118.DSN - Schematics for the mass termination board MTBv2.1 (03/20/2013)

Ladder_assembly_problems_GC_v3.pptx - Presentation by GC on ladder assembly problems, fixes and yields. (03/22/2013)

PXL_engineering_run_preparation_status_2013_04_23.docx - Status of preparation for the engineering run. (04/23/2013)

2013_05_21_al_cable_preliminary_testing.docx - report on the initial testing of the aluminum conductor cable from the CERN PCB shop. (05/21/2013)

Parts Datasheets

http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/virtex-6.htm - web site for all Xilinx Virtex-6 documentation (01/26/2011)

Probe Testing

ULTIMATE_Wafermap_Traceabilty_Dicing.ppt - Dicing diagram and labeling scheme for the Utlimate sensor wafers. (11/29/2011)

PROBE_CARD_ULTIMATE-070909BA-REV1-JJS-103111_CVu_Corrected_Nov_18_11.pdf - Probe card schematic for the Utlimate sensors. (11/29/2011)

Ultimate_prototype_detector_sensors.xlsx - Initial spreadsheet of Ultimate sensor/wafer tracing to be entered into the database. (11/29/2011)

ult_probe_card_schematics.zip - zip file containing final (as built) probe card schematics for the Utlimate sensors. (01/09/2012)

Testing_PXL_sensor_draft.doc - Document describing the Ultimate sensor testing to be done with probe testing. (01/19/2012)

Mechanical Docs

HFT_Mechanics_20110428.pptx - A pptx presentation by Eric Anderssen on Mechanical PXL carbon fiber pieecs status and construction. (05/03/2011)

2012-04-11 Design for Kinematic Mounts WITH SPRING CONTACT RODS.pdf - A design and test document by Joe Silber on the kinematic mouint locking system. (04/11/2012)

Completion of L2 Milestone 1_2_1_4_1.docx (pdf) - A document describing the completed insertion testing completing a L2 milestone. (12/14/2011)

sensor_and_ladder_dimensions1.pptx - A pptx presentation showing the fiducial positions on the sensors and the cable and sizes and sensor positions. (01/12/2012)

D tube analysis.pptx - A pptx presentation showing the a quick FEA analysis of the D tube displacement due to a 0.5 lb force in z. (06/01/2012)

2012-11-16 HFT PXL Survey.docx (pdf) - A document describing the survey procedure for the PXL system. (11/20/2012)

PXL insertion-1.pptx - A pptx presentation giving the PXL detector insertion proceedure. (02/11/2013)

NamingConventionHFTpixe_v3_lg.pptx - A pptx presentation giving the PXL detector sensor, ladder and sector numbering convention. (03/08/2013)