Sensor latchup Test Page


The latchup_schematic.pdf is a mostly complete schematic for the test.

The alex_plan.txt shows Alexandre's plan for the test.

The MIMOSTAR_PROTO_TEST_BOARD_V2_EXTERNAL_POWER_SUPPLIES.pdf documents how to separate the digital and analog power supplies to the Mimostar2 chip. NOTE: we are only separating the analog power for this test. The digital power is controlled with the board power.

The mimostar_pcb2.pdf is the schematic the LEPSI Mimostar2 card.

The mimostar_pcb2_comp_ref.pdf shows the layout of the LEPSI Mimostar2 card with components labeled.

The is the Labview VI for the test.

The is a newer Labview VI for the test.

The is the newest and documanted Labview VI for the test.

The is a RSTB sending VI.

The is the homepage for the SEU test facility at the Tandem at BNL.

The Latch_up_tests_doc_v2.pdf is a pdf document showing the results of the MIMOSTAR2 latchup test.

Phase-1, SUZE, Mimosa22

The Latch_up_tests_2009_schematic_page1.pdf is a schematic for the cables used in the test. (07/24/2009)

The Latch_up_tests_2009_schematic_page2.pdf is a schematic for the latch up monitoring/resetting USB-6800 DAQ box. (07/24/2009)

The LU_POWER_PCB.pdf is a schematic for the LU-protected power supply PCB for the PIXEL detector ladders. (07/24/2009)

The Latchup_test_2009_report_v02.pdf is a report on the Phase-1, SUZE, and Mimosa22 latch up and SEU test results. (07/24/2009)

Mimosa26, LU test structure, PXL ICs

The Latchup_plans_2010_(draft2).doc test plans (10/01/2010)

The latchup_for_IPHC_LBL_phone_meeting.ppt is a short summary of latch up tests conducted on Nov.13,14, 2010 (10/29/2010)

LATCHUP_2010_schematic.pdf (added: 03/03/2011)

LATCHUP_2010_layout.pdf (added: 03/03/2011)

Mimosa26 @ STAR (2011)

LATCHUP_M26_IN_STAR_SCHEMATIC_PAGE1.pdf (added: 03/03/2011)

LATCHUP_M26_IN_STAR-V1-0.pdf (added: 03/03/2011)

Investigating_latchup_in_the_PXL_detector2.ppt is a short presentation giving a summary of the LU testing and giving a prediction for LU rate in STAR(added: 06/04/2011)

Latchup_in_PXL_DRAFT.doc is a draft document giving a summary of the LU testing and giving a prediction for LU rate in STAR(added: 07/08/2011)

Ultimate, Mimosa26 and PXL component commercial ICs(2011)

LU_SEU_2011.doc ( LU_SEU_2011.pdf) is a document giving a summary of the LU and SEU testing done at the 88" cyclotron for the Ultimate sensor, Mimosa-26 and the commercial IC to be used on the ladders and MTB (added: 12/05/2011)

Ultimate2 and PXL ladders (2014)

LU_2014.doc ( LU_2014.pdf) is a test report from LU testing at the 88" cyclotron that was conducted to better understand LU-related damage observed in the PXL detector during the 2014 Au-Au run. (created: 02/2015, added: 06/2015)