RCF XRootD Coniguration Details

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#   !!!Removing this file is punished by death !!!      	   #	
#											   #
#   This is a configuration file for XROOTD System      #
#											   #

	#				                #
	#	XRD Daemon section	#
	#						#

# it specifies xrd port (1094 is rootd)
xrd.port 1095

# debug level for xrd and xrootd module
xrd.trace conn net
xrootd.trace login emsg

        #						#
	#    	 XROOTD Section		#  		
	#						#

# here is loading the extended file system support for xrootd
xrootd.fslib /common/star/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/lib/libXrdOfs.so

#here is loading support of authentication
if named dataserver
xrootd.seclib /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/lib/libXrdSec.so

# enable security only one nodes that holds data
if named dataserver
sec.protocol /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/lib pwd -a:0 

# specify a valid path prefix to file requests (export all of them, since we still have PFN)
xrootd.export /data0
xrootd.export /data1
xrootd.export /data2
xrootd.export /data3 
xrootd.export /home

	#					#
	#	  OLB Section		#
	#					#

# Restriction for hosts that subscribe to the olbd manager
if named redirector
olb.allow host rcas*.rcf.bnl.gov

# Designate the port number to use for incoming requests from client (this is mandatory directive) 
olb.port 3121

# Specify how load is computed and reported.
if named dataserver
olb.perf int 5m pgm /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/utils/XrdOlbMonPerf.pl 300

# Specify the parameters for the load balancing scheduling algorithm (tresholds set up by monitoring)
if named redirector supervisor
olb.sched cpu 20 io 10 mem 40 pag 20 runq 10 fuzz 20 refreset 3600

# Specify how server are selected for file creation (important for purging tresholds)
olb.space linger 0 250m 500m

# specify ping directive (request each 60s usage from servers- usage*15s and log none of them)
if named redirector supervisor
olb.ping 15s log 0 usage 4

# Designate paths handle by server (r - read, s will be staging) (specify also for /data* because we still have some files out of XROOTD namespace)
if named dataserver supervisor
olb.path rs /data0
olb.path rs /data1
olb.path rs /data2
olb.path rs /data3
olb.path rs /home
#Setup Manage Procesing latency (main for decreasing lookup delay)
#@see documentation
if named redirector
olb.delay discard 5 drop 10s full * lookup 3  overload *
olb.delay servers 80% service 60 startup 90 suspend 30 
if named supervisor
olb.delay discard 5 drop 10s full * lookup 1  overload *
olb.delay servers 80% service 60 startup 90 suspend 30 

# Tell server olbd's the location of the manager
if named dataserver supervisor
olb.subscribe rcas6132.rcf.bnl.gov 3121

# Indecate the role this server will have based on host name (default is server)
olb.role manager if named redirector
olb.role server if named dataserver
olb.role supervisor if named supervisor

#Tell the odc component the location of the manager
if named redirector supervisor
odc.manager rcas6132.rcf.bnl.gov 3121

# Tell level of event loging
odc.trace -all 
# for meassuring how many of requests are comming to xrootd
if named redirector
olb.trace all
olb.trace -all

	#						#
	#    	OFS and OSS Section	#
	#						#

# Set redirect option using instance name (Supervisor must have both options)
ofs.redirect target if named dataserver
ofs.redirect remote if named redirector
ofs.redirect remote if named supervisor
ofs.redirect target if named supervisor

# Restrict access to files only for operation read

# Tell level of loging
ofs.trace -all  
oss.trace -all 

# Control the way a disk cache partition is selected for file placement
oss.alloc 250m 10 50

# Control file descriptor's allocating
oss.fdlimit * max

# Specify whether or not to check that a file exists in HPSS

# Specify command to obtain data from HPSS
oss.mssgwcmd /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/utils/hpss_talk.pl

# use mps stage command for dynamic staging and inside call our hpss_talk which knows how to communicate with DataCarousel
oss.stagecmd /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/utils/mps_Stage -F -c /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/config/configuration.cfg

# Restrict access to files only for operation read

# Specify processing options for any entry matching the specified path prefix
oss.path /data0
oss.path /data1
oss.path /data2
oss.path /data3
oss.path /home 

# prefix requests with /home/starlib (we don't have any other chance)
oss.localroot /home/starlib

# Specify the location of a disk cache partition
# PJ: Only wildcard would work here. Individual drive would not and crash
#     xrootd.
# /data0 is linked to /tmp, must have more free space
oss.cache rhstar /data*

# number of threads, for beginning take defaults
oss.xfr 20 * 30 *

	#				#
	#	  MPS section		#
	#				#

# Where error message go via mail, choose some user
mps.adminuser starlib

# Specify path where will be placed symlinks
mps.scan /home/starlib

# set level of debuging for all components (4 -additionally records internal debugging information) 
mps.debug 2

# is the command to be used to mail files to "adminuser" specified above
mps.mailcmd /bin/mail

# is the name of the file that is to hold error information
mps.errlogfn /star/data08/XROOTD/logs/logerr

# specify command for bringing the files from hpss 
mps.stage.xfrcmd /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/utils/hpss_stage.pl %sfn %tfn

# specify minimum size of free space that must be mantained before trying to stage a file
mps.stage.minsize 786432000

# configuration before will execute purging
mps.stage.purgecmd /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/utils/mps_MigrPurg -c /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/config/configuration.cfg

# specify names of log files for every components of MPS separately
mps.stage.logfn /star/data08/XROOTD/logs/stage_log
mps.purg.logfn /star/data08/XROOTD/logs/purge_log

# Set the number of times a failing data transfer operation may be retried.
mps.stage.max_retry 1
mps.max_retry 1

#is the name or number of the Unix group that is to be used for newly created files
mps.stage.cpgroup rhstar

#is the command to be used to communicate with the Mass Storage System.
mps.stage.msscmd /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/utils/hpss_talk.pl

#the command to issue in order to obtain free space information about a file system.
mps.stage._fs_stat /star/u/starlib/ROOT/xrootd/utils/fs_stat

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