:Author: Patrick Huck (phuck@lbl.gov) :Date: March 2013 Running STAR Jobs on CARVER =========================== Transfer files via Globus Online (GO) to $SCRATCH ------------------------------------------------- - After registering on http://www.globusonline.org add your local computer's ssh-key via "My Account -> Manage Identities -> Add SSH Public Key". - PDSF is already included as an endpoint in GO as nersc#pdsf. See the endpoint drop-down menu in "Start Transfer". CARVER needs to be added manually via: $ ssh username@cli.globusonline.org endpoint-add carver -p gsiftp://carvergrid.nersc.gov After that choose the both endpoints in "Start Transfer" and choose the directory you want to transfer. GO keeps you updated via email in case you need to renew credentials, i.e. re-login on both endpoints in "Start Transfer" or extend the deadline for a copy task for one day: $ ssh username@cli.globusonline.org modify --deadline 1d idnumber Avoid GROUP_DIR problem ----------------------- [quote, Iwona Sakrejda] As a person managing STAR resources at NERSC Jeff Porter can give a user access through NIM or the users themselves should write to consult@nersc.gov. Actually, the second option might be the right approach when the user already is in the rhstar group, but it is not showing up on carver. Additional STAR Libraries ------------------------- TODO: how to install additional STAR libraries Get root4star running on Carver ------------------------------- Find a nice presentation about the NERSC file system at http://www.nersc.gov/assets/Uploads/FileSys.pdf. - copy dbServer.xml & cshrc.star (rename to .cshrc.star) to your $HOME - copy /lib and /usr/lib to solve an issue with the libXpm library: (include the setenv command in your .login.ext for the future) cp -dR /lib / cp -dR /usr/lib / setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}://lib://usr/lib - A general starting point on how to submit jobs on Carver can be found at http://www.nersc.gov/users/computational-systems/carver/running-jobs/batch-jobs/ - run.pbs is a template used to setup the pbs batch scripts for each job. Change starver to your desired Star Library version. - runAll.sh loops over a file list, sets up the mpirun command for each file and appends it to a copy of run.pbs. The pbs batch script is then submitted via qsub in runAll.sh. The individual run.pbs scripts are copied to the folder script/. See the respective files for details. Adjust runAll.sh to your liking.