New Changes in StPicoTrack

The Run14 picoDst structure is modified to allow using tracks with HFT hits and using the full DcaGeometry in StPicoTrack. Please check out the current StPicoDstMaker code from CVS repository

cvs co offline/users/dongx/pico/source/StPicoDstMaker

1)  To have a good HFT track, one will need to require the track to have
     One hit on PXL inner layer,  at least one hit on PXL outer layer and at least one hit on IST

StPicoTrack:isHFTrack() functions tell whether the track satisfies this condition or not.

2) DcaGeometry full members + errorMatrix are added to PicoDst.

To get the full dcaGeometry,   use function StPicoTrack::dcaGeometry()
To get the helix only, use function StPicoTrack:helix()

3) Other changes in StPicoTrack

    - mGMomentum variables are removed since they are redundant once we have the full DcaGeometry.
    - mOriginX,Y,Z position stored now are the first measured position (for QA and cuts) in the precision up to 0.01 cm.
    - mChi2Prob, mFlowFlag are removed.
    - To access the BTOF/BEMC/MTD information, one would need to do in the following way

      a) use StPicoTrack:btofPidTraitsIndex() to get an index to the StPicoBTofPidTraits array. If there is no BTOF match, return -1.
      b) one need to put a protection, that if this index is >=0, then one can use   StPicoDst::btofPidTraits(int i) function to get the corresponding BTofPidTraits with i is the index obtained from a).
      c) then one can access all the relevant BTOF/BEMC/MTD information with the member functions.