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What's this MuDST file thing, and how do I work with them?

The MuDST's are the reduced STAR data files, which are hosted both here at PDSF and at RCF. There is an excellent tutorial t help you get started here:


Local STAR Resources at PDSF

STAR has some local copies of several key software components at PDSF: many of the most used STAR software builds, and a local copy of the STAR database. Use of the local resources, as opposed to loading over the wide area network (through AFS or an offsite db server) should improve the performance of your jobs. You can find the list of locally installed libraries (as maintained by Eric Hjort) PDSF-STAR Libraries.

You can switch between the local and AFS libraries through a file in your home directory called .pdsf_setup :

   #!/usr/bin/csh -f
   # Select one of the options below
   # use_local strongly recommended
   # to get afs based setup:
   #       setenv STAR_PDSF_LINUX_SETUP use_afs
   #to avoid STAR setup altogether:
   #       setenv STAR_PDSF_LINUX_SETUP use_none
   #to get local STAR setup:
           setenv STAR_PDSF_LINUX_SETUP use_local

Note that use_local is uncommented. To use the AFS libraries comment out the use_local and uncomment the use_afs line. Using the AFS libraries will typically be slower but may be useful if one needs the most recently built DEV libraries or doing a comparison with the local setup.

Use of the local DB on pdsf is automatic with the STAR load-balancing model. If you need to use a different server for testing you can grab the appropriate reference file, e.g. dbServers_dbx.xml (please ask an expert if you are unsure!) from $STAR/StDb/servers area and put that into your home directory as dbServers.xml.

Use of STAR PWG Disk Space

Each PWG has an area on /eliza13/[PWG]. Each user should be assigned to at least one working group. To check which groups you are in, simply type the unix command, id. If you find that you are not in the STAR PWG that you need to be, please contact your PWG convener and aske to be added to that group at PDSF.

How can I use HPSS with my batch jobs?

HPSS is the main storage element available at PDSF. All PDSF users have a HPSS account, and access to the STAR resources. To make use of HPSS, you will need to set up your HPSS token. Details can be found here. Users should think of HPSS as their primary storage on the cluster - centralized disks are for temporary data storage while processing files - the disks are expected to crash occasionally, and the policy is that they are brought back online empty.

There are several resources available to help you use HPSS more effectively; please see the HPSS help page ( HPSS Use Examples) for examples.

For STAR, a few scripts for simulation are posted here: Hijing, Geant, Event Reconstruction

How can I tell what embedding files are on disk?

We are in the process of implementing the filecatalog system recently expanded at RCF to include the embedding files. For the mean time, however, please refer to the page:

   Embedding Report

for the listing of available embedding files.

****** Caution going below this item *******

How to use CHOS to select OS environment?

Please see the NERSC maintained PDSF FAQ entry for CHOS .

PDSF offers several system versions, but at this point *RH8* works best for STAR users. Place in your home directory a *.chos* (there is a dot before "chos", it's a dot file) file with one line in it:


For more info see " NERSC list of general PDSF FAQs .

How to avoid selecting mass storage resident files from the file catalog?

If the path starts with /nersc/projects/starofl then you are getting files in HPSS. You need to include "storage != HPSS" in your get_file_list.pl query. Or require "storage=local" or "storage=NFS" in your query.

How to submit jobs to SGE when my primary group is NOT rhstar?

SGE creates a shell from scratch and by default none of your session variables are inherited. To overcome this difficulty create a *.sge_request* file in a directory from which you plan to submit your STAR jobs. This file should contain the following lines:

  -v EGROUP=rhstar
  -P star

You can add other resource variables to this file instead of on the qsub command line. The manpage for sge_request (man sge_request) will tell you more about this file. If placed in a current working directory, this file will affect ONLY jobs submitted from this directory. If placed in $HOME, it will affect ALL your jobs.

What disk resources are available ?

There are several disk/storage systems available to STAR PDSF users. Use

 myquota -g rhstar  

to see what disks are available to STAR. Disk space, other than /home, /common and afs areas, are NOT backed-up. The bulk of the disk space (on the eliza systems) are use-at-your-own risk and CAN BE WIPED CLEAN AS NEEDED. STAR users need to back up their data on HPSS. It is the YOUR responsibility to backup your important files to HPSS.

How to access the /eliza filesystems ?

The eliza filesystems are visible from the interactive nodes (pdsf.nersc.gov) and the batch pool. Batch processes should always specify an dvio resource in the job description (the STAR scheduler handles this more or less automatically):

    qsub -hard -l eliza13io=1 yourscript

For more examples of the dvio use (dv=datavault), please NERSC maintained PDSF FAQ entry.

How to klog to my RHIC afs account?

PDSF does not belong to the rhic.bnl.gov afs cell (the default cell is nersc), so you have to specify the rhic.bnl.gov cell explicitly. Additionally, your PDSF username may be different than on RACF. If so, you need to specify your afs account name explicitly as well.

 klog -cell rhic.bnl.gov -principal YourRCFUserName

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