Pixel Production Detector Page


Ultimate2_UserManual_version3.pdf - The Ultimate sensor user manual version 3. (03/18/2013)

yield_for_11_of_25_prod_wafers_of_Ult2_DRIE_2013_06_13.docx - A measurement of the mechanical yield for 11 of the first 25 Ultimate-2 DRIE production wafers after thinning (06/14/2013)

PIXEL_RDO_MB_V1_2.zip - A .zip file containing the Orcad schematic and PADS layout files for the RDO board V1.2. This is compatible with the SSD. (06/17/2013)

PIXEL_V6_RDO_MB_2013_10_24.pdf - A .pdf file containing the Orcad schematic for the RDO board V1.2. This is compatible with the SSD. (10/24/2013)

yield_for_25_prod_wafers_of_Ult2_DRIE_2013_06_26.docx - A measurement of the mechanical yield for the first 25 Ultimate-2 DRIE production wafers after thinning (06/26/2013)

2013_06_24_PXL_progress_LG.ppt - A presentation on the status of the PXL detector engineering run analysis, lessons learned and production plans. (07/04/2013)

2013_07_02_CERN_meeting_with_david_r.docx - A report on the status of the aluminum conductor cable fabrication at the CERN PCB shop based on the July 2, 2013 visit to CERN. (07/07/2013)

PXL_ladder_diode_readout_modification.docx - A document describing the modifications to be made to the ladders in order to allow for temperature sensor diode readout. (09/24/2013)

yield_for_2nd_batch_wafers_of_Ult2_DRIE_2013_09_24.docx - A measurement of the mechanical yield for the second batch of Ultimate-2 DRIE production wafers after thinning (09/25/2013)

PXL_ladder_hand_component_work.docx - A document describing the hand solder work to be done to the PXL ladders. (10/03/2013)

PXL_completion_of_construction_document.docx - A document describing the validation and documentation of the CD-4 parameters and the deliverables for the construction project. (10/15/2013)

PIXEL_RDO_MASS_TERM_V2_2-101213.pdf - Schematics for the mass termination board MTBv2.2(10/17/2013)

PXL_PS_implementation2.docx - The implementation document for the production PXL power system. (10/23/2013)

PXL_ladder_replacement_on_sector.docx - A document describing the validation of the PXL ladder replacement procedure for a PXL sector. (10/30/2013)

PXL_timing_1.pptx - A presentation on the measured timing latencies through the PXL RDO system. (11/13/2013)

JTAG_test_10_RDO_boards.pptx - A presentation on the daisy-chain JTAG configuration of the full complement of 10 RDO boards for the PXL RDO system. (11/14/2013)

PXL_2014_run_testing.docx - A document describing the testing to be done on the primary detector and a checklist for material and equipment needed at LBL and BNL. (12/01/2013)

2014_01_06_possible_solutions_JTAG_cable.pptx - A pptx describing the testing done to fix the JTAG communication problem and the running configuration. (01/10/2014)

mechanical_yield_for_3rd_batch_wafers_of_Ult2_DRIE_2014_02_08.docx - A measurement of the mechanical yield for the third (last) batch of Ultimate-2 DRIE production wafers after thinning (02/08/2014)

PXL_detector_to_offline_configuration_info_path.docx - A document describing the configuration parameters passed from PXL hardware to the PXL offline/software. (02/19/2014)

PXL_SC_process_variables_5.docx - A document describing the PXL detector slow controls process variables and alarm levels. (03/07/2014)

PXL_additional_testing_2014_03_30.docx - A document describing the additional testing to be done to find the cause of the observed sensor damage. (03/30/2014)

Mechanical Docs

NamingConventionHFTpixe_v3_lg.pptx - A pptx presentation giving the PXL detector sensor, ladder and sector numbering convention. (03/08/2013)

Full_PXL_vibration_and_stability.pptxx - A pptx presentation giving the results of the production PXL detector vibration and displacement under running and airflow conditions. (04/027/2014)

Survey_update_0319.pdf - A pdf presentation giving the PXL detector sector long term survey reproducibility using the optical metrology machine. (04/28/2014)

Survey_update_0409.pdf - A pdf presentation giving an update to the PXL detector sector long term survey reproducibility using the optical metrology machine. (04/28/2014)