Leo Greiner's RNC HFT Page

For the Mimostar2 based HFT RDO System, click HERE

For the Phase-1 based HFT RDO and mechanical System, click HERE

For the LVDS Test for the full digital HFT RDO System, click HERE

For schematics based on the mezzanine card test system, click HERE

For latch up and SEU tests for the PXL sensors and system components, click HERE

For presentations and information on the PXL RDO electronics review held on June 23-24, 2010, click HERE

For presentations and information on the PXL sensor review held on December 6-7, 2010, click HERE

For presentations and information on the PXL BNL safety review held on September 26, 2011, click HERE

For final PXL sensor (Ultimate) and RDO system information, click HERE

For PXL production detector documents, click HERE

For information on the beam test at CERN in October 2011, click HERE

The Mechanical Prototype Measured Properties shows the status of the mechanical fundamental mode vibration and air cooling induced vibration and displacements as measured on the initial mechanical prototype.

The ir_prelim_writeup.htm shows the status of the air cooling tests done with simple thermal mockups of the expected pixel ladder.

The pixel_rad_length.pdf is a pdf of an initial look at the radiation lengths of the materials we expect to use in the pixel detector.

The pixel_ladder_2.pdf is a pdf of an schedule document that shows our tasks and schedule for producing a prototype ladder assembly and complete mechanical mockups by September 2004.

The sept_proposal.pdf is a pdf of the options for the proposed hardware and electronics system to be produced for the prototype ladder assembly for September 2004.

The cable_constraint.htm shows the current design parameters of the cable for the september test as well as the status.

The SCHEMATIC1_PAGE5.pdf is a pdf of the schematic electronic for a single MIMOSA5 detector and electronics drivers for the September test.

The signal_list.pdf is a pdf of the list of signals expected to be carried on the cable for the September test.

The signal_list_final_cable.pdf is a pdf of the draft list of signals expected to be carried on the final cable.

The nitrogen_purge_document.pdf is a pdf of the description and operating procedure for the nitrogen purge system for the pixel testing box.

The dicing_writeup_1.htm shows the status of the first attempt at thinning and dicing a MIMOSA wafer.

The Pixel_Prototype_Testing.pdf gives the block diagrams and testing plans for the prototype ladder.

The rvc_beam_bend_first_look.mht is a preliminary first look at the bending properties of the RVC / CFC beam.

The film_adhesive_progress_report.pdf is a preliminary first look at the use of thin film acrylic adhesives for bonding the Silicon to the Kapton cable.

The pressure_chamber_operating_procedure.pdf is gas system schematic and operating procedure for using the pressurization chamber to improve the bonding of the thin film acrylic adhesives used on the carrier.

The crossing_lines_measurement_first_look.htm is a first look at the flatness of a bonded thinned MIMOSA detector using high granularity points from the CMM.

The cable_writeup.htm is report on the performance of the low mass cable designed for use in the ladder prototype.

The thinned_mimosa_testing.htm is report on the first testing of thinned MIMOSA5 detectors using film adhesive as a bonding agent.

The update_radlength_for_proposal_2005_01_13.pdf is a pdf of a short summary update to the radiation lengths of the materials we expect to use in the pixel detector.

The 3_figures.zip is a zip archive of 3 figures on prototype testing for the proposal

The 01-27-2005_lg.zip is a zip archive of the proposal modified by leo for the final submission

The 2005_04_06_ladder_status.htm is a report on the current status of the construction and testing of the prototype ladder

The MIMOSA5_status_and_location.htm is a report on the current status and location of the MIMOSA5 detectors that we have received.

The js_ddl_talk.htm is a page with Jo's PPT presentation and relevant links to his talk on the CERN DDL as used in the STAR TOF.

The readout_draft.htm is a draft of our proposed electronics/DAQ model for the HFT.

The lg_nsd_ann_report_2005_06_20.pdf is the contribution to the 2004 NSD annual report.

The thinning_procedure.htm describes the thinning procedure used for testing the efects of thinning on the MIMOSA5 detectors.

The bt2005_writeup.htm is description of the ALS area for the 2005 beam test and a list of tasks.

The update_radlength_for_proposal_2005_11_17.pdf is a pdf of a short summary update to the radiation lengths of the materials we expect to use in the HFT for the November 2005 proposal.

The rates_HFT_after_reduction.pdf is description of the data rates coming out of the HFT.

The data_reduction.pdf is description of a cluster finding FPGA algorithm for the HFT.

The daq_chapter_hft_2005_11_22.pdf is a pdf of the DAQ chapter for the HFT proposal as of November 2, 2005.

The data_reduction_3.pdf is an updated description of a more advanced cluster finding FPGA algorithm for the HFT.

The ReadoutConcept.pdf is Howard Wieman's conceptual readout design for the HFT.

The LG_HFT_BNL_DAC_03_15_2006_2.ppt is the ppt file for the HFT readout and hardware prototyping progress given to the BNL DAC.

The Readout_for_HFT_at_STAR_2.ppt is the ppt file for the HFT readout scheme given at the STAR upgrades workshop in December 2005.

The proposed_hardware_installation.pdf is a writeup on the hardware we expect to install into the STAR detector for prototype testing in summer 2006.

The mimostar2oddities.pdf is a writeup on some MIMOSTAR2 testing results with some questions about some of the observed behavior.

The Sept_2006_system.doc is a writeup describing a first pass at the hardware, software and firmware required for the September 2006 HFT test.

The RDO_section_HFT_proposal.pdf is a pdf of the DAQ chapter for the HFT proposal as of June 19, 2006.

The sept_test_description.pdf is a document describing the goals and hardware for the September 2006 HFT test detector.

The task_list_august_2006.pdf is a document giving a task list for the August 2006 HFT prototype test installtion at BNL.

The lg_nsd_ann_report_2006_07_29.pdf is the contribution to the 2005 NSD annual report.

The AA9280000 - PDF.pdf is the MSDS for Hysol EA9396 Adhesive Part A.

The AB9280000 - PDF.pdf is the MSDS for Hysol EA9396 Adhesive Part B.

The infrastructure_test_2006_10_29.pdf is a material and task list for the infrastructure testing at BNL in preparation for the telecope test.

The ladder_thermal_imaging.pdf is an update to the initial air cooling tests using a much more realistic ladder model.

The presentation_to_ires_2007_01_19.pdf is a short description of our test MIMOSTAR2 telescope withgoals and status.

The hft_telescope_setup_ver02.ppt is a powerpoint presentation of testing plans and status to be presented on the January 19, 2006 video conference .

The LG_HFT_rate_calculation_2007_02_02.pdf is description of the data rates coming out of the HFT for 33 ladders @ 4.5 cm radius.

The Requirements_HFT.doc is a short description of the mechanical structure requirements for the HFT.

The StrasbourgTrip_summary.pdf is Marc Winter's short summary of the LBNL / IPHC meeting held in Strasbourgh in January 2006.

The ultimate_parameters_readout.pdf is document proposing a set of parameters and a readout scheme for the ultimate sensor for the HFT.

The hft-06-08-2006_lg.doc is the modified proposal with an updated Ch5. Readout section for the HFT. (2007-03-20)

The cluster_finder_detection_efficiency_2007_04_06.pdf is a short document discussing the detection efficency of the two-threshold cluster finder algorithm proposed for the HFT readout. (2007-04-09)

The ALS_run_tasks_plan.pdf is a document describing the preparation tasks and run plan for the ALS test of the MIMOSTAR2 telescope. (2007-04-16)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meeting between IPHC and LBNL durnig the May 2007 meeting at IPHC. (2007-05-22)

The task_List_installation_2007_06_06.pdf is a document describing the tasks for the June 6 STAR access to install the MIMOSTAR2 telescope in the STAR magnet. (2007-06-03)

The Ultimate_development_with_m8.doc is a proposal for a new development path based on Mimosa 8 / 16 sensors. (2007-07-01)

The Ultimate090707ppt.pdf is the IPHC proposal for a new development path. (2007-07-09)

The development_path_comparison_07_2007.pdf is a timeline oriented comparison of the two proposed development paths based on the phone discussion between IPHC and LBNL on 07/09/2007. (2007-07-09)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meeting between IPHC and LBNL durnig the October 2007 meeting at IPHC. (2007-10-23)

The Addendum_rdo.pdf is a document that describes the RDO system for the PIXEL detector. This document is designed to be a replacement for the current RDO chapter in the HFT PIXEL proposal. (2007-10-19)

The PIXEL_RDO_system_function.pdf is a document that describes the function of the PIXEL RDO system in a detailed way. (2007-11-14)

The Addendum_rdo_2007_12_26.pdf is an updated document that combines the Addendum_RDO and the PIXEL_RDO_system_function documents in a clearer unified document and with some updates. (2007-12-26)

The NIM_hft_telescope_generic_format.pdf is an generically formatted NIM paper describing the results of the 3 Mimostar-2 sensor telescope test at STAR in 2007. It has been accepted for publication at NIMA. (2008-02-11)

The MimoSTAR3_cross_section_v2.pdf is a short report on the failure analsis of the MimoSTAR3 prototype. The accompanying complete set of pictures is available here: corner_pixels, center_pixels_cross_section2, center_pixels_cross_section1. (2008-02-13)

The hotpixel.doc is a document that describes the hot pixels in the Mimostar2 telescope. (2008-03-03)

The CMOSmeeting_18Feb2008_.ppt is a short presentation describing the causes of the low yield of the MimoSTAR3 prototype. (added 2008-03-27)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meeting between IPHC and LBNL during the April 2008 meeting at IPHC. (2008-04-07)

This link is a link to the talks given at the phone conference between IPHC and LBNL on June 25, 2008. (2008-06-26)

The position_writeup.pdf is a document that describes some early work on the measurement of the flatness and positional tolerance of adhering 50 micron Si to RVC sandwich ladders. (2008-08-18)

The Mimostar3_test_results_LBNL_2008_08_18.pdf is a document that describes the results of the testing done on the new fabrication run of the Mimostar3 sensors. (2008-08-19)

The Mimostar3_test_follow_up_2008_08_26_v3.pdf is a document that describes follow up results of the testing done on the new fabrication run of the Mimostar3 sensors. (2008-08-26)

The Mimostar3_test_follow_up_2008_09_05.pdf is a document that describes follow up results of the testing done on the new fabrication run of the Mimostar3 sensors. (2008-09-05)

The mimostar3_testing_plan_2008_12_08.doc is testing plan that describes follow up testing on the Mimostar3 sensors with the new RDO system examining hot pixels, etc. (2008-12-09)

The Latchup_Jan2009_planning_v03.pdf is a draft of the latch-up testing plan for Mimosa22/SUZE/Phase-1 (2008-12-20)

The summary_of_Fe_calibrations_using_new_RDO.doc is a short summary of the MimoSTAR3 calibrations performed with the new RDO system based on virtex 5 (2009-01-09)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meeting between IPHC and LBNL during the June 2009 meeting at IPHC. (2009-06-18)

The Phase-1_test_progress_report_p4.ppt is a document presenting the results of additional testing of the Phase-1 sensor, following suggestions given in the collaboration meeting at IPHC.(2008-07-23)

This link is a link to the talk and meeting notes for the phone conference between IPHC and LBNL on August 25, 2009. (2009-08-26)

The Group_Tasks_and_timeline_2010_01_25.pdf is a document that gives the FY10 tasks and schedule for the PXL sensor and RDO group.(2010-01-25)

The PXL_grounding_paths.doc is a document that describes the grounding paths for the PXL detector system in STAR.(2010-03-18)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meeting between IPHC and LBNL during the May 17, 2010 Phone conference and the July 15, 2010 follow up phone conference. (2010-07-14)

The PXL_grounding_plan_v7.pdf is a document that gives the grounding plan for the PXL detector system in STAR.(2010-06-16)

The PXL_connectivity_docs.zip is a zip archive that contains the full connectivity documentation for the PXL detector system in STAR.(2010-06-16)

The PXL_RDO_cable_options_1.doc is a document that describes the aluminum conductor cable development options for the PXL detector system in STAR.(2010-07-07)

The CERN_PCB_meeting_notes.doc is a document that describes the aluminum conductor cable fabrication capabilities of the CERN PCB shops.(2010-12-20)

The PXL_yield_model_draft.pdf is a draft document that describes the yield model for sensors, cables and ladders for the PXL detector.(2011-03-08)

This link is a link to the talks given at the phone conference between IPHC and LBNL on May 5, 2011. (2011-05-04)

The ITB_test_results_v2.doc is a draft document that describes the results of the testing done on the the Infrastructure Test Board ladder prototype.(2011-07-08)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meeting between IPHC and LBNL held on September 5, 2011. (2011-09-05)

The yield_for_11_wafers_2011_12_13.docx is a draft document that describes the mechanical thinning and dicing yield for the first 11 wafers of sensors.(2011-12-14)

This link is a link to the presentations given at the LBNL meeting on production RDO architecture held February 6-17, 2012. (2012-02-16)

The PXL_slow_control_doc_draft.docx is a draft document that describes the slow control system for the STAR PXL detector.(2012-04-02)

The PXL _ladder_assembly.docx is a draft document that describes the ladder assembly sequence and materials for the STAR PXL detector.(2012-04-20)

The Cooling_tests_Nov2009_v1.doc is a report that describes cooling tests performed with a mock-up PXL prototype detector.(added 2012-05-22)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meetings on ladder testing between IPHC and LBNL held from May 1-14, 2012 at IPHC. (2012-05-29)

This link is a link to the talks given at the phone meeting between IPHC and LBNL held on May 29, 2012. (2012-05-29)

The Ult_sensor_CERN_test_beam_report_1.docx (pdf) is a draft document that describes the results of the beam testing of Ultimate sensors at CERN during the week of October 14-22, 2011 .(2012-05-29)

This link is a link to the talks given at the phone meeting between IPHC and LBNL held on May 29, 2012. (2012-07-10)

This link is a link to the talks given at the meeting between IPHC and LBNL held on January 22, 2012 at IPHC. (2013-01-23)

The 2013_01_30_notes_meet_with_rui.docx is a document that describes the problems with the aluminum flex cable fabrication in the CERN shops and the plans to produce these cables.(2013-01-30)